We are the analytical chemistry research group supervised by Prof. Eric Salin at McGill University. Use the buttons at the top to navigate around our site. Check out our research, abstracts for our publications, alumni list and photo gallery. Don't hesitate to drop us a line if you have any questions.
(Using IE and don't see any blue buttons at the top? Click on 'Allow Blocked Content' below the IE toolbar.)

Supersize me - Josiane and Tobie's (The Ro-Lin group) 2007 Award Winning Pumpkin'. N.B. The Ro-Lin group does not promote in any way the consumption of fast food products from multinational chains. The Ro-Lin group recommends eating your 5-10 daily portions of organically grown fresh local vegetables. No animals were hurt at any time in the making of this pumpkin. 100% vegan.
Latest group news
Abstracts have been added to the publications page.
Congratulations to Angela for receiving her M.Sc. degree at the Spring 2009 Convocation!
Congratulations to Josiane for receiving her Ph.D. in the Fall of 2009 and on her move to Denmark! We miss you!
Bon Voyage to Yongqing as she moves back home to finish her Ph.D.! We will miss you!
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Site maintained by Alexei while MATLAB compiles.
Last updated September 9, 2012